Delve into the enriching narrative of "Let, Lift, & Listen," penned by the experienced PCI Certified Parent Coach, Christine Donavan. Hailing from Isle of Palms, SC, Christine invites readers to embrace a tried-and-true parenting ethos laid out in this thoughtful book, set to release for pre-order on Amazon on October 4th, 2023. As a seasoned parent of eight diverse souls and a nurturing coach to over 500 parents, Christine’s approach melds the essence of time-honored wisdom with a sprinkle of modern scholarly insights and real-world testimonies.
Christine will be the first to tell you that there are many excellent books, videos, podcasts, and other resources available to help and support parents. She often jokes that if parents weren't so consumed and tied up raising their children, they might learn from them all. However, she firmly believes that parenting wisdom and expertise can be distilled into a very simple framework of three easy to remember approaches that will allow anyone to parent at his or her best in every single circumstance.
That framework is: Let, Lift, & Listen. Three nurturing practices that might sound simple but can be challenging for anyone to implement on even his or her best days.
Spread over 40 short, engaging stories, this book is more than just a guide; it’s a companion for parents amid the routine chaos of raising children. Through relatable narratives, it addresses common hurdles encountered across different developmental stages—from preschool to adulthood. The book provides an intuitive index directing parents to topics concerning sibling dynamics, lying, substance abuse, homework challenges, technology usage, arguing, and more, making it a handy reference for parents seeking guidance on specific issues.
As you traverse through the pages of "Let, Lift, & Listen," you’ll either find a reflection of your own household or gain a foresight into the parenting adventures that lay ahead. Christine's candid sharing promises a chuckle, a tear, a nod of understanding, and a reservoir of empathy and practical wisdom.
"Let, Lift, & Listen" isn't just a catchy title, it’s a mantra aimed at reshaping your parenting perspective. This isn't about discovering some secret parenting technique, but embracing time-tested advice to navigate the parental seas with a seasoned compass. Why learn the hard way if you don't have to? The tales and wisdom packed in this book aren’t spun from thin air, but are honed by generations of parents navigating the child-rearing wilderness—sometimes stumbling, sometimes soaring. Each story serves as a gentle reminder that while the parenting struggle is real, so is the joy and growth that come with it. Your journey towards being not just a good parent, but an awesome one, is just a page flip away with "Let, Lift, & Listen."
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